Early maize hybrids with good moisture loss and good adaptability of different yearly weather conditions
Early maize hybrid in FAO 300 maturity group with very reliable good yield.
It has very intensive early growht, strong strem with excellent stem breaking resistance. Middle high, broad-leaved, pleasant apperance hybrid. It has longish ears, usually with 16 rows. It has a good resistance against modul and drydown is also excellent, so early harvesting can be planned, so afterwards any kind of winter wheat can be sown. At the end of the maturity group it has reliable good yield and high drought tolerance.
- Salonta FAO 360 GRAIN
Perfect balance of earliness and grain yield.
Early dent type hybrid that can be sown before winter cereals. Yield is very good in the segment of mid FAO 300. It has very intensive early growth. Yield is stable, drought tolerance is good, drydown is excellent. It has a good stem breaking resistance even in over maturity phase. It has also a good resistance against moulds. It has nice-looking uniform ears more or less in the same height. Cob-grain ratio is very good. It can have two ears with intensive agritechnics. Plant height is average, stem mass is small.
Very reliable good yielding TC hybrid.
The plant has a pleasing habit, medium height, ears are long or very long. Its stems and foliage are green for a long time, which promotes rapid moisture loss. It has a good early vigour and rapid growth. It has good tolerance of drought. It can tolerate dryness at any time during the breeding season. It is able to adapt to the most extreme cultivation conditions.
New hybrid with outstanding yield in FAO 300 maturity group.
The MAGDOLNA, which is in the second half of the FAO 300 maturity group, has a high yield potential, good drying down, yellow, high density, dent kernels. The healthy crop can reach yield potential exceeding 15 t / ha. The plant is medium height, broad-leaved, with a nice looking staygreen phenotype. The shape of the ear is cylindrical and conical. It’s thin, but it has good kernel-to-cob ratio. The attractive ear is highly tolerant to moulds.
Very adaptable FAO 400 hybrid with good yield potential
New hybrid with a very good yield.
The high plant has a good look, rich foliage. It is distinguished by its high fertility, drought tolerance and its very good stem strength. It has a medium sized ear, which has 16-18 rows. The kernels have good quality. Thanks to its deep roots and its strong stem, it is able to grow efficiently in weaker and low pH soils. It offers excellent grain yield under intense cultivation conditions.